
Saturday, February 14, 2004

Top Down Knitting

Nothing going on with Rogue yet. Instead, after spending many hours in the ER, then an outpatient assessment clinic due to a family crisis, the Top Down Raglan is finally coming along. I substituted Maggie Reghitti's starting directions and am moving right along. I don't really know how to do the shawl collar, though, so there is much experimentation about to start. Onward!

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Got Gauge?

YES! I *do* have gauge! Hurrah!!!!! Size 9 needles and old Lion Brain "Textures" 100% wool from the Stash, which softened into a gentle haze after washing. Rogue is ready for take off. Hurrah!!!!

Other Projects

My grey Raglan is giving my troubles. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but something isn't working out. I had this problem before, but the Man has moved all my knitting gear and I can't find my old knitting notebook, which had my notes for this project. As usual, I'm just making up my own pattern, following advice from Barbara Walker (From the Top book). I wish I could find my old notebook!!!!

Ms. Lorraine liked the shop sample, and gave me a skein of the cashmere for my very own! I think I'm going to make the same pattern for the Dr. with whom I work. I gave her the sample to feel, and she adored it. She deserves a nice present!!!

Also, I got some DK weight Shetland, Jamieson brand, for socks. I keep socks in my purse for car knitting, and secret work destressing times.

So that makes 5 projects that I have going on right now:

Getting ready to cast on for Rogue

Socks (for me!)

Neck Warmer (for the Dr.)

Grey Raglan (for me!)

Prayer Shawl, which I really need to do more of. So far I've been knitting a few rows/day, but I should step up on it. My Friend needs it, badly.

Overall, though, most of the projects are for me. This is soooo nice, and quite unusual!

That's the Weekend Update. Happy knitting!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Swatch Often?

Finally, the swatching is over for Rogue! I am going to wash the swatch tonight and see if I got gauge. I'm on target pre-washing- let's hope for the best!!!

I also need to get a mindless project going- thinking socks! Yum!!!

Or, I think I'm ready to take on a top-down, shawl-collared raglan sweater. I started it but made a bad mistake, and the protoype needs to be ripped out. It's been hiding in the closet since Nov, but now might be the time to resurrect it.

Off to wash the swatch and block the cashmere neck warmer, which I'll take to the shop tomorrow!

Happy Knitting!

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